
Editing routes

To begin editing routes, click the 🚍 button on the lefthand navigation bar.


Choose a route from the list or search by route name in the dropdown. To create a new route, click + New route. Note: as with all newly created items (except patterns), the new route will not be saved until the save icon (💾) is clicked.

Zoom to route extents

Clicking the 🔍 button (in the top toolbar) with a route selected adjusts the map view to show the entire route (i.e., all patterns) you are editing.

Route details

Some of the fields to be filled in are required before you can ‘Save and Continue’ and move to the next step, these are:

  • Short name – name of the service/route, this may just be a number
  • Long name – the full name of the route, often including the origin and destination
  • Route Type – the type of vehicle/transport used on the route Other fields in this section are optional and do not have to be filled in, these are:
  • Description – a description of the route, do not simply repeat the information in ‘Long name’
  • URL – a link to a webpage with information on the specific route, such as the timetable
  • Color – if a route has a color (for use in trip planners etc) it can be assigned here
  • Text color – if a route has a text color (for use in trip planners etc) it can be assigned here
  • Comments – any additional information about the route can be placed here

Once all the required fields, and any of the desired optional fields, are filled in click ‘Save and continue’.


This final page allows you to show if a route has been completely entered, and if it has whether it has been checked and approved for inclusion in the GTFS feed.


There are three options for Status:

  • In-Progress - showing a route has not been completely entered.
  • Pending Approval - a route has all the information entered and is awaiting a senior person to sign it off
  • Approved - all the above stages have been completed.

Upon editing a route, the status will automatically be set to In Progress. The status will need to be manually updated to Approved before it will be included in the exported feed.

Publicly visible

Leave this box unchecked if you are entering a route that is not to be included in a GTFS output, or is in-progress.

Routes in the Pending Approval or In Progress phase will not be publicly visible.

Trip Patterns

Once you've created and saved a route, you can then begin creating trip patterns for the route.

Learn about editing trip patterns »